About Me

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Red Oak, Texas
"Most people can look back over the years and identify a time and place at which their lives changed significantly. Whether by accident or design, these are the moments when, because of a readiness within us and a collaboration with events occurring around us, we are forced to seriously reappraise ourselves and the conditions under which we live and to make certain choices that will affect the rest of our lives."
-Frederick F. Flack

Monday, June 7, 2010

First things first:
I'm sorry.
I'm know you won't see this,
but I had to say it anyways.
I wish I could take it all back.
For the sake of our friendship,
and for the sake of my dignity.

I love my friends.
We went out to a hunting cabin in Huntsville, AR
for Miss Lindsey's birthday.
Had. So. Much. Fun!

Random romping adventures.
Tequila & chasing it with margarita mix.
Falling asleep by the fire.
Falling in general.
Star-gazing & gravel-laying.
Truck rides.
"Give me a BEEEEEEEEER."
Drink every time you say "tree."
Top bunk madness.
Drunken heart-to-hearts.
Text messages.
Balloon popping.
Calling teachers.
"So did you."
"Patron, you my nigga."

+ all the other stuff we don't remember.

Ahhh, what a night. :)

I thought this summer would be non-stop fun.
Definitely not true.
Don't get me wrong - I've had a lot of fun,
but there's quiet days too.

I've come to love those the most.
Days where I can sit by myself,
well.. with my yorkie,
& think about everything.

Sometimes the thinking part hurts,
like today,
but other days it's helpful.

As lame was "Arkansas" sounds,
& as lame as I make the place sound,
I'm really going to miss it.