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Red Oak, Texas
"Most people can look back over the years and identify a time and place at which their lives changed significantly. Whether by accident or design, these are the moments when, because of a readiness within us and a collaboration with events occurring around us, we are forced to seriously reappraise ourselves and the conditions under which we live and to make certain choices that will affect the rest of our lives."
-Frederick F. Flack

Friday, October 8, 2010

This weekend...

This weekend will absolutely make up for the crappy birthday I had on Wednesday.
Two of my very best friends, Chelsea Camille & Andrea Leigh, will be here TODAY!Y

Tonight, we'll probably just be obnoxious at the house.
Tomorrow, tailgating the ARKANSAS RAZORBACKS vs Texas A&M Aggies football game at Cowboys Stadium! Then who knows - maybe the fair, maybe the zoo!
Sunday, TENNESSEE TITANS vs Dallas Cowboys game! I'm definitely the only one out of the three cheering for the Titans, but it's cool. Chelsea leaves me Sunday to spend time with her grandma, but Andie gets to stay with me. :)

They both leave to go back to Arkansas on Wednesday. :(

I can't wait to see them. Yes, I saw them a few weeks ago when I went home to Arkansas, but I still miss them. My birthday sucked balls, so this will definitely make up for it.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I'm 24 today.
I"m not particularly pumped about it. I remember being a kid and thinking 24 was old. Well, here I sit, a 24 year OLD woman. Ugh. Can I just go back to the days when the only things I had to worry about were if my mom was going to yell at me for getting grass stains on my school jeans or where I was going to sit at lunch? Those days were easier. Less complicated.

I found this quote as I was researching Joyce Carol Oates for my English project. This quote wasn't by her, nor does it have anything to do with her, but I liked it.

"I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing." -Agatha Christie

I'm going to think about this quote every time I get down about something. Life's too short to worry about things. Just to be alive IS a grand thing...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

progress report

Man, it's been a while...
But, oh well.

It's going on 3 months since I moved to the Lonestar State. It hasn't exactly been the paradise I had imagined. I got my first job after a month of living here, and I hated it with a such a fiery passion that I can't fully describe it. I often imagined myself falling down stairs and breaking something, for the simple fact that it would keep me from going to work. Finally, after almost a month of working there, I quit. I went a whole weekend without a job.

I got a new job at the Buffalo Wild Wings in Cedar Hill. I told myself when I moved here that I wasn't going to be a waitress again, but boy I missed it. I love being a waitress. It's time to face that fact. So now, I love my job and I'm really liking the people I work with... so far.

Outside of the job situations, I was having a roller coaster ride of emotions. One week, I'd be happy that I was in Texas. Then the next week, I'd be miserable and want to move back to Arkansas. I haven't pinpointed the cause for these ups and downs yet. It could be that I have no one here to talk to or go do things with. I spend my free time at home. It could be that I just simply miss home.

I can promise you part of it is missing my yorkie, my brother, and my best friend. It's weird not being around the three of them. I've gone back to Arkansas to visit twice now, and each time it gets harder to leave. :(

On another depressing note,
my birthday is tomorrow...
It's depressing because I turn 24. Next year, I'll be a quarter of a century old. I'm definitely not okay with that. I'm just going to call tomorrow my 3rd 21st birthday. Works for me.

Good news usually follows bad news...
two of my best friends, Chelsea & Andrea, are coming to visit me this weekend! They will both be here Friday until Monday. Then Chelsea is going to spend time with her grandma and mom while Andrea spends a few extra days with me! :) I'm so excited. Saturday, we're going to tailgate the ARKANSAS vs Texas A&M game at Cowboys Stadium. Then Saturday is the Titans vs Cowboys game! They're both Cowboys fans and I'm a Titans fan.. should be interesting. ;) I'm so so so happy that they'll both be here! <3>
Well, that's it for my progress report.
I'll give this another shot at staying up to date.
It might work this time.