About Me

My photo
Red Oak, Texas
"Most people can look back over the years and identify a time and place at which their lives changed significantly. Whether by accident or design, these are the moments when, because of a readiness within us and a collaboration with events occurring around us, we are forced to seriously reappraise ourselves and the conditions under which we live and to make certain choices that will affect the rest of our lives."
-Frederick F. Flack

Saturday, May 22, 2010


I'm officially getting old.

My little stepbrother, Casey,
is graduating high school tonight.

This is how I remember Casey:

He was also goofing off & making us laugh.
He always did what we told him to.
Like dress up as Britney Spears or Christina Augilera.

When I first moved to Arkansas,
he was the reason I stayed here.
He became my best friend.
We would raid Hot Topic & then go to the movies.
We introduced each other to different bands
& just loved hanging out.

we both grew out of that stage.
We both started hanging out with our own friends, ha.

He's still one of the easiest people to talk to.
He's one of the best listeners in the world,
& one of the greatest people I've ever known.

Congratulations Casey Ray.
You've gone through so much,
& you've come out on top.
I'm so very proud of you.
Love you always.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Tattoo!

So, Tuesday, I got a new tattoo.
My 4th one.
& I love it.

It's from a song by my favorite band:
The Spill Canvas.

"Heaven's not a place that you go when you die,
it's that moment in life when you actually feel alive,
-The Tide


Friday, May 14, 2010

Rain, rain, go away.. :(

First & foremost, I'd like to say
Happy 20th Birthday
to one of the most beautiful people,
inside & out,
to ever grace this planet,
Hailey Lynn Rice.
Rest in Peace Sweet Angel.
We all know you're up there, celebrating, & watching over us as we do the same. You know we're all gonna celebrate! ;) I love you and miss you every day.

Now, it's just time to sit around & wait for grades to come out!
Hoping I passed everything.. or it's summer courses for Whitney.

And this rain needs to go away.
For real.
I thought APRIL showers were supposed to bring MAY flowers.
But no.
May showers bring scary tornadoes
& prevent me from wearing sundresses & jorts.
Just lame.

The end.